following on from sunday morning, i went out with the ingear dev lads and cracked out another epic! i had 6hrs on the plan but felt strong so carried on for 7hrs, totalling over 200kms for the day! not a bad day in the saddle. that meant some well earnt food scoffing wen i got home. i think my mum will b happy when im gone as the food bills will b at least half and there will be food left around the house! they take the piss out of me at home because wenever i go in the kitchen i always check the fridge and cupboard jus to see if there is anything new there that might tickle my fancy!! even if im not hungry i check it, guess thats my OCD!
anywaysenough about food, making me hungry again... went out yesterday for 2hrs easy spin to turn the legs over and met up with dad. we wanted to go get a coffee on the seafont but realised we didnt have enough change, so scrapped that idea, until bizarely at a quick bush piss stop i nearly pee'ed on a cheeky fiver floating about in the grass!! Result! coffee's all round! i love it when little things like that happen!
today i had a couple of hrs with hill reps so headed out in the sunshine and went for my old hill rep from meads village roundabout to the crest of the hill which i time myself up; i haven't timed it this winter so wanted to see how i was compared to last winter. turns out a lot stronger! not only did i feel faster but i felt like i could dig a lot harder and resulted in chopping off nearly 30seconds off last years PB, leaving me with 2m31 to beat now. not bad with a head wind! anyone living around the eastbourne area give this one a try if u get a chance, its a bit of a bit#h of a hill really. then headed off round to beachy head to do the other 6 hill reps.
3hrs tomorrow with 3 15min threshold intervals then i start a rest week which sees me through to the start of the new teams training camp en France!
o and check out my new best friend... early birthday present from mum and simon! lovin' it! thanks
o and just quickly, well done to em my sister for passing her probation at big Architectural company in London, meaning she's now secured a full time contract. nice one sis, knew u had nothing to worry about! now u can definately afford to come visit, no excuses ;-)
a bientot,
Where do you call the crest of the hill? The car park up past the Beachy Head turnoff? I reckon 2m 30s for you, 5m sounds like a good target..